Has your plumbing business lost its Mojo?
If you've been 'in the trenches' for a while (no pun intended), it's natural to get a bit stale.
And that's is what this article is all about - breathing a bit of life back into your work...
First things first, get a new logo to freshen up your image.
They don't have to cost the earth, you can take a chance and get an online cheapy from overseas, or you can choose one of our logo designs for plumbers.
When you have your new logo, make sure you use it!
Put it in your website, on your ute or van, fridge magnets, stationery, and hey, why not get some work shirts made too? It all helps to make your business look professional - you'll be amazed at what a difference it makes to how you look - and feel!
A decent website is an absolute MUST for any business - big or small.
I talk to plumbers all the time and it STAGGERS me how many have a dodgy website that doesn't work for their business - or worse still - no website at all!
At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, the phone book is dead and the internet is here to stay.
Your business needs a basic website under your own domain name - at the very least!
Again, you don't need to spend big bucks, we do a fantastic 1 page site with a free domain name and free copywriting for only $495.
So get to it - there is no excuse!
WARNING: Do NOT get your 15 year old niece's best friend to do your website.
Why? Because it will look like your 15 year old niece's best friend did your website!!
I don't mean get a work van so you can drive around, I assume you already have one!
I mean get with technology. Since the very beginning, mobile phones have exploded in usage in Australia.
Get smart
And smart phones have taken it to a whole new level.
There are some great apps out there to help you with bookings, accounts and banking, so get your phone working for you.
And naturally enough, people are using their phones to search for plumbers, so make sure your website is mobile friendly.
We do a brilliant mobile site that makes contacting you really easy for potential customers, with click to call and click to email buttons.
OK, so this gets a bit trickier!
You no doubt get countless calls from India promising to get your business to the top of Google - GUARANTEED!
Well, for a start, it is impossible to guarantee anything in Google - as Google outline in their SEO guidelines.
So be extremely wary of any guarantees.
I have written articles explaining how Google works and how to get your business found, so rather than explain it here, feel free to check them out:
How to advertise your plumbing business...
We have been specialising in getting plumbers found online and we can show you proven results.
Call us on 1300 846 221 and we can explain how it all works in more detail.
If you freshen yourself up with some or all of the above steps, you will feel good about going to work, and trust me, a professional image goes a long way to getting repeat work. Remember, the very best advertising for your business - is you!
Go get 'em tiger!
So don't put it off any longer. The sooner you start, the sooner you and your business can reap the benefits.
A great starting point is to give us a call here at Ontime Plumber.
We help plumbers from all over Australia with their marketing and are always happy to chat and give advice.
Give us a buzz today on 1300 846 221.
About the author
Chris Hatcher is the founder of Ontime Media - an online marketing business dedicated to trade professionals.