How does Google Work?
If you're in small business, you need to have an understanding of what Google is and how it all works.
No matter how large or small your plumbing business is, you need to have an online presence.
If you want to to take it a step further and advertise your business online, then it's important that you are as informed as possible so you can make the right decisions for your business.
This short video and the following article gives you a valuable insight into how Google works and how you can get your business to be part of it.
So how does Google work?
First up, let's have a quick look at Google and how it functions.
(You can click on the video above to check it all out).
Search results are usually broken into three different sections:
1. Organic listings (free listings)
These are free and the most accurate and relevant results.
2. Maps (free local listings)
These are free but very targeted to your immediate area.
3. Adwords (paid listings)
These are typically the top three listings on results pages in a light yellow panel, as well as the listings on the right hand side of results pages
So let's check out how to get in the game...
1. Organic listings
Organic listings are at the heart of all searches and provide the most accurate and relevant results.
But it is very difficult to achieve high rankings.
There are a multitude of factors that search engines take into consideration for each and every search - way too many to cover in this article!
Getting strong rankings is quite an art - and as internet usage increases, it is getting incredibly competitive.
The big limiting factor?
There are only 10 organic listings on page one of Google.
Think for a minute how many plumbers service your local suburb or region?
Get yourself a quality website
The best way of getting into organic search results in by getting a quality website built and optimised.
The team at Ontime Plumber build quality, SEARCHABLE websites from just $495, so there is no excuse to stay in the online wilderness!
We have specialised in getting plumbers found online for many years now, so give us a call any time on 1300 846 221.
2. Google Maps
Google maps are well worth registering with - as they're free.
There are usually seven map listings integrated into search results and they can click straight to your website.
There is a limiting factor - your "reach" is limited to your immediate area.
And with only seven listings, it can take a long time to get listed - if at all.
It's simple to do - simply fill out as much detail as possible on you Google+ page.
If you need some help, just give us a call!
3. Adwords
Adwords are paid listings also known as PPC (pay per click advertising) and they usually appear in the top three results and on the right hand side of search results.
It is called pay per click because when someone clicks on your listing, you pay Google.
The cost varies, but it can cost as much as $15, $20 or even more for every click in a competitive search.
Adwords can be a great way of giving your profile a boost and it's ideal to use if work slows up a bit.
Creating a campaign is relatively simple if you have the time and patience and is well worth trialling at the very least.
However if you are a bit daunted or simply don't have time, we can help.
Our experts create cost effective campaigns for plumbers all over Australia.
We're here to help
The team at Ontime Plumber specialise in building searchable websites, mobile sites and getting your business found online.
For more information about getting you business online, call us on 1300 846 221.
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